Athy - Carlow

After refilling our water supplies at the lock keepers house
we left Lock 28 around 11 am and went into the River Barrow.
We'd been told that it would carry much water but (naturally) we couldn't judge that. Behind Ardreigh Lock at the end of the first cut the width of the Barrow let us feel
at home again (since we're used to cruise on a tidal river).
Then another long cut (with a spectacular weir at it's entrance), a lifting bridge
(which I handled on my own) and Levistown Lock - where we said good-bye to the nice
lock keeper (who had insisted on followin us) and - instead of only going as far as
Maganey we decided to take advantage of the dry weather and go straight to Carlow.
Now it was up to me to operate Maganey and Bestfield lock and I think I did it perfectly!!

Dancing on the river
Exit from Ardreigh Lock into the river
Weir at entrance to Lewistown Cut
Rocko's favourite position
Another bridge
We were happy to see some living beings at least
Lifting bridge above Levistown Lock:
before and after I handled it ;-)
Ruined Levistown House + Mill
Reeds in the river
Lateral branches around a little island
Magany as seen from the river
Weirs above Maganey Lock
Varieties in green
... the first one I operated on my own
Flooded moorings
because of high water
Maganey Lock ...